Reports until 10:05, Friday 04 October 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:05, Friday 04 October 2024 (80464)
one DRMI lockloss investigation

Corey has had a series of locklosses from DRMI/PRMI and ALS, I've looked into one of these: 1412094082

In this case it looks like there is a large glitch seen in all DRMI LSC signals (and ASC, but it seems to start in LSC), with a small glitch about 4 seconds before lockloss, which DRMI recovers from.  Then there is a larger glitch that happened about 1 second before lockloss, where POP18 drops below the trigger threshold, and the DRMI guardian goes to DOWN, at the same time the ALS Y arm looses green lock, which then unlocks the ALS X arm. 

This glitch doesn't seem to be cause by the DRMI ASC, although we were in the process of engaging that ASC when it happened.  It also isn't due to the BS ISI isolation coming on, which hadn't happened yet. 

Edit:  I looked into a second lockloss, from PRMI: 1412095134, this one is different in that it happens very quickly and PRMI and ALS signals drop out at close to the same time.  This happened while the DRMI guardian was waiting for the refl WFS centering to converge.

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