TITLE: 11/17 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Lock Acquisition
3:01 UTC GRB-Short E 525935 We were not locked for the begining of this stand down event.
2024-11-17 3:27:53 NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE reached
3:30:27 OBSERVING reached
Violin ITMY Mode 5 is still rising on this lock.
I changed the Gain to 0 and waited 15 minutes to see if it will stop going up or even turn around.
I then tried about 3 minutes with the gain at -0.02 ( Nominal gain just negative) but it was obvious that the no gain is better than opposite gain.
I ended up just turnin goff the gain.
05:11 UTC Lockloss https://ldas-jobs.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/~lockloss/index.cgi?event=1415855535
This was a very fast lockloss , it doesn't look like the same IMC /FSS locklosses we have been seening. But the PSL-FSS_FAST_MON_OUT_DQ was still the first signal to change behavior.
Relocking notes:
Relocking has been made very difficult with the IMC constantly unlocking. Most of the Locklosses are in locking Green arms, but everyfew attempts it gets a little further like DRMI, then the IMC stops working again.
I tried turning the ISS off again, but it hasn't stopped it from unlocking the IMC.
I turned back on the ISS so just in case H1 manager gets to about ISC_LOCK state 500 it will auto lock for him.