Reports until 15:29, Friday 22 November 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:29, Friday 22 November 2024 (81419)
some plots about uptime

Here are some plots relevant to understanding our uptime and down time from the start of O4 until Nov 13th, with some comparisions to Livingston.  I'm looking at times when the interferometer is in the low noise state (for H1 ISC_LOCK >=600, for L1 ISC_LOCK >=2000). 

The first piechart shows what guardian states we spend the most time in, this is pretty similar to what Mattia reported in 79623

The histograms of lock segement lengths and relocking times show that L1's lock stretches are longer than H1s, and that we've had 34 individual instances where we were down for longer than 12 hours.  (And that H1 has a lot of short locks)

The rolling and cumulative avergage plot shows how the drop in duty cycle in O4b compare to O4a is due to individual problems, including the OFI break, pressure spikes, and laser issues.

Lastly, the final plot shows how we accumulate uptime and down time bined by length of the segments.  This shows that L1 accumulates more uptime than Hanford by having more locks in the 30-50 hour range.  The downtime accumulation shows that just under half of our downtime is from times when we were down for more than 16 hours (serious problems), and about 1/4 of it is due to routine relocking that takes less than 2.5 hours.

The script and data used to make these plots can be found in and H1(L1)ISCLockState_04.txt in this git repo.

Images attached to this report