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Reports until 16:34, Friday 28 February 2025
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Friday 28 February 2025 (83105)
Fri Ops DAY Shift Summary

TITLE: 02/28 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 143Mpc

Decent shift with only one lockloss (whose recovery was straightforward but an initial alignment was needed due to usual ALSy shenanigans).  Also had a tour from a group from the VIT plant.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Friday 28 February 2025 (83113)
Added critical camera marker on DIGIVIDEO Overview, expanded INFO to include switch port information

The digital camera MEDM main window now indicates which cameras are copied by the CDS_CA_COPY Guardian node and written to front end models. These are denoted by a blue tick at the left edge.

The camera.yaml file has been expanded to add how the camera is powered and which network-switch and switch-port the camera is connected to.

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H1 General
anthony.sanchez@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Friday 28 February 2025 (83114)
Friday Eve Shift Start

TITLE: 03/01 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 150Mpc
    SEI_ENV state: CALM
    Wind: 7mph Gusts, 3mph 3min avg
    Primary useism: 0.08 μm/s
    Secondary useism: 0.37 μm/s

LHO H1 has been locked for 2.5 hours.
The IFO seems to be running smoothly, with decent range.
The plan is to continue to Observe for the rest of the Evening & night,


david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:33, Friday 28 February 2025 (83112)
VACSTAT detected BSC3 sensor glitch, restarted VACSTAT to clear

At 12:17:36 PST we had a sensor glitch on the BSC3 gauge, causing a VACSTAT alarm. This was another of the periodic glitches, the pressure stepped up from 3.2e-08 to 4.9e-08 for 4 seconds and then immediately stepped back.

vacstat_ioc.service was restarted at 12:26.

eric.otterman@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:46, Friday 28 February 2025 (83110)
End X chiller pump repair
I replaced the bad pump seal on the one of the chiller pumps at the End X chiller yard on 2/27. 
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:46, Friday 28 February 2025 (83108)
Fri CP1 Fill

Fri Feb 28 10:06:02 2025 INFO: Fill completed in 5min 59secs

New code did not post-fill the ROC channels, I tracked this to a "calculated ROCs but didn't write to PVs" bug. Will test again tomorrow.

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:06, Friday 28 February 2025 (83106)
PSL Status Report (FAMIS #26366)

This is for FAMIS #26366.

Laser Status:
    NPRO output power is 1.85W
    AMP1 output power is 70.39W
    AMP2 output power is 140.0W
    NPRO watchdog is GREEN
    AMP1 watchdog is GREEN
    AMP2 watchdog is GREEN
    PDWD watchdog is GREEN

    It has been locked 23 days, 19 hr 46 minutes
    Reflected power = 22.42W
    Transmitted power = 106.6W
    PowerSum = 129.0W

    It has been locked for 0 days 1 hr and 21 min
    TPD[V] = 0.8066V

    The diffracted power is around 3.4%
    Last saturation event was 0 days 3 hours and 1 minutes ago

Possible Issues: None reported

LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:46, Friday 28 February 2025 (83104)
Fri Ops Day Transition

TITLE: 02/28 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 144Mpc
    SEI_ENV state: USEISM
    Wind: 6mph Gusts, 4mph 3min avg
    Primary useism: 0.04 μm/s
    Secondary useism: 0.47 μm/s

H1 just recovered from a lockloss and has been in OBSERVING 10min.  Secondary microseism continues to come down, the last 24hrs, from peaking above the 95th percentile & winds are calm.

At 1533utc there was a Verbal for Wifi on in the LVEA, but see that it has been OFF the last hour.

ALSO:  Continue to have a note about limiting activity in the Optics Lab near the Fume Hood which had a termite nest--this is a message from the exterminator.

H1 General
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:00, Thursday 27 February 2025 (83101)
OPS Thursday EVE shift summary

TITLE: 02/28 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 149Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: 1 lockloss with an automated recovery with an IA. We've been locked for 2.5 hours.
LOG: No log

The SQZ PMC PZT voltage is reporting as low and has been dropping over the past 8 hours


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H1 General (Lockloss)
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:55, Thursday 27 February 2025 - last comment - 21:08, Thursday 27 February 2025(83102)
01:53 UTC lockloss

01:53 UTC lockloss

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ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - 21:08, Thursday 27 February 2025 (83103)

03:36 UTC observing

mayank.chaturvedi@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Thursday 27 February 2025 (83097)
Looking at Squeezer FC ASC ADS

Camilla Sheila Mayank

Currently QPD Trans A is used for sensing the "INJ ANG" DOF, however we want to use ADS for this DOF.

Getting up the ADS  

  1. We dithered FC1 and FC2 in Pitch and Yaw
      Optics Freq Amp
    Pitch 1 FC1 10 10
    Pitch 2 FC2 12 10
    Yaw 1 FC1 6 10
    Yaw 2 FC2 8 10
  2. Obeserved these frequency peaks on WFS signal ( H1:SQZ-FC_WFS_A_I_SUM_OUT_DQ   H1:SQZ-FC_WFS_B_I_SUM_OUT_DQ)
  3. Demodulate Signal (Modified the ADS inmatrix to choose H1:SQZ-FC_WFS_A_I_SUM_OUT_DQ for dmodulation)
  4. Fixing the right demod phase : At the right demod phase one of the demod quadratures (Q) will go to zero while the other quadrature (I) will respond to the beam spot movement.
    • This is done by continuoulsy changing the beam spot location* and monitoring the change in I and Q signal. From this change we estimated the phase offset required to bring the phase to right value.
      • If both I and Q move in same direction by approximately same amount the are off by 45/135 degree.
      • if only one of the quadratures move while the other remians constant the we are closer to the righr phase.
    • *Note: We changed the P2L/Y2L coefficient of FC1/FC2 , which amounts to changing relative position between the beam and the center of optics motion.

The ADS was running and we had the error signals. However we ran out of time and hence could not close the loop. We reverted everything to the previous state. We will try to repeat this during next commissioning time.


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H1 General
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:15, Thursday 27 February 2025 (83095)
Ops Day Shift End

TITLE: 02/27 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 150Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY:  Currrently Observing and have been locked for 5.5 hours. Easy day today, relocking when I came in was hands off, and relocking after the next lockloss was hands off besides requesting an initial alignment and TJ lowering the SRC2 P gain during OFFLOAD_DRMI.

15:30UTC Relocking
16:15 Observing

16:31 Commissioning

16:36 Lockloss
    - ran initial alignment
    - glitching during DRMI_LOCKED_CHECK_ASC/OFFLOAD_DRMI - SRC2 P gain lowered from 60 to 40 in script
    - Going between NLN and NLN_CAL_MEAS for commissioning activities
20:18 Back to Observing


Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
15:41 FAC Nellie OpticsLab n Tech clean 16:21
16:34 ISC Sheila, Matt LVEA y(local) Measuring POPAIR 16:43
17:42 FAC Eric EX (outside) n Replace chiller pump seal 21:53
21:01 FAC Chris XARM n Tumbling weeds 22:01
22:06 FAC Eric EX (outside) n Chiller pump work 22:35
H1 General
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Thursday 27 February 2025 (83094)
OPS Thursday EVE shift start

TITLE: 02/27 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 150Mpc
    SEI_ENV state: USEISM
    Wind: 9mph Gusts, 5mph 3min avg
    Primary useism: 0.03 μm/s
    Secondary useism: 0.57 μm/s

thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:45, Thursday 27 February 2025 - last comment - 15:24, Thursday 27 February 2025(83089)
Ran A2L script again

We ran the a2l_min_multi_pretty.py script again today since we made changes to the OMC offsets (alog83087). There were minimal gain changes, the only one I updated in lscparams.py was ETMY P from 5.49 -> 5.52.

The range coherence template we normally use was giving odd results during the quiet commissioning times after the OMC reverting, no coherence above 20Hz is seen. Sheila mentions that this is something she has seen before and isn't physical. We ran the script expecting changes but didn't see much change in gains or to the range.


|      |   | Initial | Final |  Diff |
| ETMX | P |   3.23  |  3.24 |  0.01 |
| ETMX | Y |    4.9  |   4.9 |   0.0 |
| ETMY | P |   5.49  |  5.52 |  0.03 |
| ETMY | Y |   1.35  |  1.34 | -0.01 |
| ITMX | P |  -0.53  | -0.54 | -0.01 |
| ITMX | Y |   3.21  |  3.22 |  0.01 |
| ITMY | P |   0.06  |  0.05 | -0.01 |
| ITMY | Y |  -2.74  | -2.75 | -0.01 |

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Comments related to this report
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 15:24, Thursday 27 February 2025 (83096)

Matt reminded me that I need to run diaggui_test with the range coherence template, so when I range it the correct way, we can see that the a2l script didn't change much or maybe even made it slightly worse. In the attached screenshot the left is before a2l was run, the right is after.

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mayank.chaturvedi@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:09, Wednesday 26 February 2025 - last comment - 14:40, Monday 03 March 2025(83077)
Opened a new ISS PD array

Jennie Siva Keita Mayank

Following our previous attempt  here .  We opened a new ISS PD array (S.N. 1202965).
This unit is in great condition. i.e. 

1) No sign of contamination.
2) All the optics are intact (No chipping)

We tried interfacing the QPD-cable S1203257 with the QPD but it turned out that they are not compatible.
We will look for the updated version of the QPD cable.   

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jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - 14:49, Thursday 27 February 2025 (83091)EPO

More photos I took of the unboxed unit,

Keita holding part of QPD connector that connects to cable,

zoom in of part of prisms close to PD array to show they don't look damaged like the previous one we unboxed,

dcc and serial number of baseplate (this is different part for each observatory due to differing beam heights).

Keita explaining the QPD cable clamp to Shiva (right) and Mayank (left).

View of optics with periscope upper mirror on the left.

View of part of prisms close to periscope.

View of back of array and strain relief.

plus a picture of an packaged coptic that was sitting on top of this capsule while it was in the storage cupboard.


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jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - 16:02, Thursday 27 February 2025 (83099)

For future reference all the ISS arrays and there serial numbers are listed in the dcc entry for the assembly drawing LIGO-D1101059-v5.

matthewrichard.todd@LIGO.ORG - 14:40, Monday 03 March 2025 (83143)

[Matthew Mayank Siva Keita]

On Friday (2025-02-28) we moved the optics onto taller posts so that we did not have to pitch the beam up to much (in hind-sight, we probably would've been okay doing this) when we align the beam into the input port of the ISS array. We have not aligned the beam yet and most likely should re-profile it(may not need to) to ensure that the planned lens position is correct.

We also spent some time checking the electronics box for proper connections and polarity; then we tested the upper row of PDs (4 top ones) by plugging in each cathode/anode to the respective port. The output DSUB we used a breakout board and threw each channel onto an oscilloscope -- it seems that all four of the top row of PDs are functioning as anticipated.

Important Note:

Keita and I looked at the "blue glass" plates that serve as beam dumps, but just looking at the ISS array we do not know how to mount them properly. We think there may be some component missing that clamps them to the array. So we repackaged the blue-glass in its excessive lens paper.

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jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Friday 14 February 2025 - last comment - 16:01, Thursday 27 February 2025(82810)
Partially disassembled ISS array

Jennie W, Rick S, Mayank C, Keita K


We went into the optics lab today with the intent for Rick to review the ISS array assembly we unboxed the other day (LHO alog #82731) on which we found some particulate contaminsation and some detached parts.. Rick and Keita are unsure how the support rods (first picture) were bent during transit and they appear to have bent at the top and deformed the cover piece (D1300717) they were attached to as they came unfixed at the other end and so were just resting on the top of the QPD mount plate (D1300719). They appear to have moved around and scored the surface of this platform. Maybe this happened in transit or storage but it seems like it would have had to be a large force and Rick says the storage containers were packed in form during transit.


1st package: Base piece (D1101074-v2 S/N 004) is double-bagged in my office and I have put in a clean and bake order as this spacer is site specific in height and some of our ISS spares will have a spacer set to the L1 beam height instead so we may need to swap it out.

2nd package: Cover piece D1300717 with the spacing posts attached is not bagged properly as we probably do not want to reuse this and so it is in Keita's office.

3rd package: Array and mirror assembly with PDs still attached was wrapped in foil with dry sealed clean room wipes protecting top optic in periscope, then double-bagged. Shown in center left of this image. This will need re-cleaned if we want ot scavenge parts form it.

4th package: All the other parts from assembl y shown in this image ( apart from PD assembly, baseplate, tool pan and top cover) have been packaged up in foil and double bagged in one package. These will also need recleaned if reused.

These last two packages are stored in the cabinet that the spare ISS array units are in, situated in the vacuum bake prep area next to the PCal lab. The shipping cover and base plate for the array are also back in this cupboard.

For reference the assembly drawing can be found here.

The assembly we worked on has the dcc ref S12020967

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jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - 16:01, Thursday 27 February 2025 (83098)

I don't have access to the entries for serial numbers but the ISS array assembly dcc entry is here. https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1101059

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:07, Friday 10 June 2022 - last comment - 10:44, Friday 28 February 2025(63544)
HAM1 work on Friday (Ryan1, Craig, Georgia, Keita)

For mirror identification, see attached.

ASC-REFL_A replacement.

The new one is D1102004-V6 S/N 005 S1301248 (ICS ASSY-D1102002-001), the old one is S/N 012, S1301242.

With the old one, one of the differential output for DC4 segment failed and we've been using H1:ASC-REFL_A_DC_SEG4_GAIN=2 to compensate. With the new one, this didn't seem to be the case and we changed the digital gain to 1.

Daniel used the external RF injection ports to confirm that RF circuits are connected.

DC centering loops worked.

Beam dump relocation.

POP_air BDV reflection was hitting the corner of the V of the V-shaped beam dump.

ASC_REFL_A and ASC_REFL_B reflection were hitting the corner of the V of the V-shaped beam dump.

We moved these beam dumps so the beam hits one of the panels, not the corner.

We weren't able to see the LSC POP_A reflection. We might want to increase the power to 10W or so after everything is done so we can at least see the flashes.

We forgot to check the LSC REFL_A and REFL_B beam dumps.
Swapping the optic in M2.

This is one of the corner mirrors in the REFL in-vac path, and we swapped the HR with the 50:50. We made sure that the wedge orientation is correct (thinner edge is close to [+X, +Y]) For the 50:50 using the laser pointer. Since HR doesn't have any wedge, we had to manually adjust M2 to restore the REFL path.

The AOI of that optic is not accurately known but I eyeballed it to be 50 degrees, and based on that I measured the reflectivity of the 50:50 in the lab before installation (alog 63404). It was about 43% reflection at 50degrees, 35.6% at 55 degrees.

In situ, we got 41.1%, so AOI is probably a bit larger than 50 degrees.

We put a beam dump to catch the ghost beam of the new optic.

Power measurements, continued.

We're done. If we can carrier-lock PRMI we could do more, but we couldn't.

Looking at the direct reflection of PRM when IMC_PWR_IN=1.001W, the power between M5 (2" HR at [-X,-Y] corner downstream of RM2) and M6 (REFL LSC-ASC splitter) is 5.96mW after we swapped the optic.

At See Craig/Ryan's comments.

Clipping check in REFL path.

Nothing was clipping in the REFL path, but the beam was pretty high on M5 (that's the 2" HR at [-X, -Y] corner), M6 (ASC-LSC splitter), L1 (1" lens in front of LSC REFL sensors) and 2" lens on the WFS sled.

The beam height was ~105mm in front of M6 (see Georgia's picture), that's ~3.4mm higher than nominal, and the beam looks uncomfortably high on L1 because of the smaller aperture but it's not clipping.

We're leaving it as is because we don't want to touch the WFS sled and the only quick solution is to make the lens higher using a shim, then use M6 so steer the beam down on the LSC sensors.

Searching for the ghost beam of the main septum viewport.

The main PSL beam is reflected by the AR of the HAM1-HAM2 septum viewport and land inside the nozzle of the PSL-HAM1 viewport at around 4 or 5 o'clock position viewed from inside the chamber. See Georgia's pictures. We haven't done anything yet, we need help from people to assemble and install nozzle baffle.

Catching a snake.

That was big.



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georgia.mansell@LIGO.ORG - 18:16, Friday 10 June 2022 (63545)

Some photos from today

1-3 Overhead shots on HAM1, including photo of slightly adjusted POPAIR beam diverter beam dump

4-6 The lens before the LSC_POP diode was dirty, before and after cleaning with a q-tip (for the large piece of dust) and puffer for the small dust.

7 IR viewer shot of the ghost beam from the AR surface of the newly installed M2, looks well dumped

8-9 Beam height and centering checks on the REFL path after swapping M2

10 The Snake!!! (Thanks to Gerardo for putting it out for us, and Keita for catching it so smoothly!!!)

11-12 The main beam and ghost beam on the HAM1 lightpipe viewport nozzle.


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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 09:42, Monday 13 June 2022 (63555)

It's hard to see from Georgia's picture 7 (shot through the IR viewer), but the beam dump to catch the ghost beam from 50:50 (M2) is to the -X direction of RM2, in front of one of the balance masses. See attached.

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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:05, Tuesday 14 June 2022 (63583)EPO
Tagging EPO -- look at that SNAKE!!
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 10:44, Friday 28 February 2025 (83107)

For the new WFSA noted above (D1102004-V6 S/N 005 S1301248), I wanted to update the ICS  Assy Load to make more sense.  So the ICS Assembly Load link above no longer works, but the new one is now this: 


Just a note on these in-vac WFS:  The Body for these assemblies is D1102004 and it has its own s/n stamped on it from when it was machined.  However when a WFS Assy has its electronics installed, thus determining its operating frequency, and it is locked at this frequency because the WFS is then welded shut for in-vacuum install.  When this happens, the WFS (assembly really) is then assigned a new s/n (such as the DCC-generated serial number for the electrical innards of this WFS---S1301248 in this case).  I did not know this when I made this Assy Load, so I just picked a random s/n of 001---using the DCC s/n is a better and cleaner way to identify an installed-WFS assy.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Wednesday 01 June 2022 - last comment - 10:46, Friday 28 February 2025(63420)
In-lab test of spare 9-45MHz WFS (Jordan, Rich, Keita)

We tested a replacement in-vac WFS for 9MHz/45MHz (ICS ASSY load D1102002-001, S1301248) in preparation for the upcoming HAM1 vent (E2200228).

Rich will write about the details, but in short we have tested that the DC power supply current was good, DC responded as expected, and RF outputs made sense for 9MHz and 45MHz. We used screw-on type ISC AM laser head for this test.

Attached show the LOW (9MHz) and HIGH (45MHz) results measured using the network analyzer. In these pictures, reference trace (green) is Q3 and the live (yellow) is either Q2, Q1 or Q4. All in all these look good in that there's no reason to suspect that they aren't working as intended.

Minor detail is that there are differences not just in overall level because the beam is not centered on the diode and the beam is not circular either, but sometimes in the shape of the traces (for example look at the Q2 HIGH at around the shoulder of 45MHz peak). We've confirmed that both the level and the shape changed when Rich rotated the AM laser head. Don't know why the shape changes but Rich mentioned that the modulation might not uniform across the beam, or maybe we're somehow saturating something (but it didn't change much when we reduced the modulation current by 10dB w/o rotating the head).

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rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - 10:41, Thursday 02 June 2022 (63426)

Adding to what Keita and Jordan put in yesterday:

1.  We looked at the data from the S1301248 WFS that's going to be the replacement device to be installed into HAM1.  This was the original manufacturing data from when the head was built in 2014.

2.  We checked that the quiescent current draw was the same as that described in the data sheet for this part.  Saw 170mA and 240mA on positive and negative 18V rails respectively

3.  We verified that each DC path responded both to ambient light (in terms of magnitude and polarity), and the photocurrent produced by the laser calibrator head we use to check the response of ISC photodetectors.  The magnitude and polarity of the observed DC response was reasonable and confirms what Keita mentioned that the beam pattern coming out of the calibrator head is elliptic and offset slightly from the center of the four quadrants of the photodiode.  Rotating the calibrator head allows the user to verify all quadrants behave similarly.

4.  Using the calibrator head and a network analyzer, we were able to take the transfer function of each quadrant both 9.1 and 45.5MHz.  Each quadrant's response was reasonable when compared to identical functions of other quadrants.  We took the first quadrant we happened to measure and stored this to a reference trace on the network analyzer.  The remaining quadrants were then superimposed onto the reference trace to make a comparison.  While there are differences in the absolute amplitude of each trace (due to the elliptic nature of the calibrator head beam pattern), the overall shape of each trace was reasonable when compared to the other quadrants.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 10:46, Friday 28 February 2025 (83109)

For the new WFSA noted above (D1102004-V6 S/N 005 S1301248), I wanted to update the ICS  Assy Load to make more sense.  So the ICS Assembly Load link above no longer works, but the new one is now this: 


Just a note on these in-vac WFS:  The Body for these assemblies is D1102004 and it has its own s/n stamped on it from when it was machined.  However when a WFS Assy has its electronics installed, thus determining its operating frequency, and it is locked at this frequency because the WFS is then welded shut for in-vacuum install.  When this happens, the WFS (assembly really) is then assigned a new s/n (such as the DCC-generated serial number for the electrical innards of this WFS---S1301248 in this case).  I did not know this when I made this Assy Load, so I just picked a random s/n of 001---using the DCC s/n is a better and cleaner way to identify an installed-WFS assy.

haocun.yu@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Friday 22 July 2016 - last comment - 11:05, Friday 28 February 2025(28589)
Summary of WFS spec

I am working on the Noisebudget Model these days and made a summary of the WFS in use with calibrations:


Serial No.

RF Trans.

[Ω = V/A]



Demod. Gain


Whit. Gain





Digital Gain











9 MHz












45 MHz











9 MHz












45 MHz











36 MHz












45 MHz











36 MHz












45 MHz










Calibration (from W to cts) = RF Trans. * ADC * Responsivity * Digital Gain * 10^(Demod. Gain + Whit. Gain)/20

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 11:05, Friday 28 February 2025 (83111)

Just a note for ASC WFS REFL_A:  S1301242 was swapped out in 2022 for S1301248.  See alog #63544.

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